
Thursday, June 24, 2010

R&R is awesome

Being in the States is great because you can't do this in Manila. Kids need fresh air to grow


  1. welcome back to the US! loved your story of your trip here. You are definitely a brave mama. The girls are so darling, hope you have a wonderful visit.

  2. Good Lord, my daughters are cute. I love and miss you girls.

  3. It looks like 2 of Cinderellas Fairy God Daughters are loose in Washington.

  4. I agree! Kids definitely need fresh air to grow and I'm glad Addie and Bella are getting to take in some nice fresh air!

  5. Welcome home! Enjoy your R&R -:). If you get to DC, give me a call.

  6. can i ask why you can't be outside much in manila? i've seen pics of a playground and it too hot part of the year or is it pollution? hoping to make it to manila someday so I'm curious...thank you!

  7. We do spend time outside in Manila at the playground and pool but not long periods of time because 1)it's HOT 2)the pollution 3)there isn't much grass in the city just little patches here and there and 4) we share those tiny patches of grass with tons of other kids 5)that means we have tons of people starin, taking photos, and generally not leaving us alone 6)it's not a very walkable city and not stroller friendly at all. The sidewalks are terrible and there is no pedestrian right away.

    We got to our pool and the playground at the US compound is nice. To get outside we really have to head to a beach! We spend much more time indoors that I like. I really miss just taking a walk or jogging, getting in a wagon and going to the park.

  8. thanks, Sara, I appreciate the info! I'm sure your beautiful, blonde kids attract quite a bit of attn. Enjoy your time stateside.
