
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Nordstrom Rack-check

My folks watched the girls at home this afternoon while I hit the Nordstrom Rack in Portland. I couldn't wait to dig through all the sale shoes. I ended up with loads of great new stuff and two new pairs of shoes. Imelda Marcos would be proud!

I couldn't get over how beautifully blue the sky was today with big fluffy white clouds. I snapped a few shots while I sat in traffic. Ugh! Seriously? My parents said I brought the sunshine with me but did I bring the traffic too?
Woo Hoo for west coast driving.
Mount Hood was glorious; and look at those sailboats (more traffic).
No trash fires or squatters tents in the road medians in the States. Just pretty flowers.
Look at those glorious roads! The sidewalks are so clean. Wonderful. Everything is so shiny.
The outing was so much fun. I drove myself, parked the car in a nice car park with a friendly booth attendant. Everyone was smiling and friendly (definitely a Pacific Northwest thing). The sales people were friendly and helpful but stayed out of my business unless I needed them. I even got hit on by a nice American guy. (Getting hit-on by an age appropriate American man is flattering. Getting hit-on (I mean gawked at) by all of Manila that is male (and female for that matter) is creepy and annoying).

All of this made me recall that I am an American and these are all MY things to enjoy like every other American. America is truly a beautiful place to live. Living overseas makes it feel extra special and extra sparkly upon returning.


  1. Uhhh, I hope you gave one of those conspicuous brush back your hair so you show off your wedding band moves to that "nice" American guy.

  2. Sara,

    I hope you didn't get all the shopping done at Nordstrom Rack that you wanted to because I could totally come up with many excuses as to why I need to go there with my good friend Sara on my trip to Portland.
    The pictures look so beautiful, I can't wait to have you show me around.
