
Monday, May 31, 2010

we are getting spoiled with beach days like this

In all honesty, we are visiting some of the most beautiful beaches in the world while living in the Philippines. We are so incredibly lucky because it doesn't get any better than this. We recognize this and tried to spend as much time as we could at the beach on Sunday. It was our only full day in Cebu. Addie and I got beach ready while Justin took first nap duty. Initially, Addie wanted to check out the pools and I couldn't blame her since there were six of them all with different attractions. Many of the pools were shallow for kids. One even had a water slide and huge water gun stations. I hate sitting at the pool when there is a world class beautiful beach next door so I tried to steer Addie in that direction. We went down the water slide together which was totally fun but scared her a bit. Off to the beach we went.

Justin and Bella joined us at the beach when she woke from her nap. We ate lunch at the beach-side bar and Addie bopped to the R&B jams like a rock star. The sun was shining and it really was one of the most beautiful days I have ever experienced. A fantastically glorious day at the beach. The girls were so darn cute that everyone couldn't help but come say hi. Even the group of French singles (the type who are so cool you can't imagine them being bothered with every day things like the rest of us mortals) were smiling over at the girls. Seriously cute kiddos in the sand. Ouch, the stairs were too hot. Back down we go.Bella is awake!
I think Addie is picking a wedgie in this picture. Too bad, otherwise it would be cute. It's so tough to get a good one of them together both looking at the camera.Bella Bean hates hats but the sun was so hot and her little blonde head is so exposed to the sun I try to get her to wear mine for a bit.Bella's blonde hair turns white at the beach.Justin rented a snorkel and snorkeled right off the beach. There were so many beautiful fish swimming with us. He was in love with it.Rock star Addie waiting for lunch. She insisted on sitting at the bar."I'm hungry, is there anything back there for me?"Bella got her second nap and I had room duty. Justin and Addie took a short break and then went back to the beach. Just as we did in the morning we all met up after nap time.I'm not sure when was the last time we had a picture of the two of us at the beach. Decided to end that streak.Beyond hunky Dad. It's hard to be in paradise with my husband and not want to relive our honeymoon. I love being married to this amazing man. Look at those beautiful girls he gave me.We were strict that evening about getting showered and ready so the girls could eat at 5PM. This would definitely prevent any meltdowns of epic proportion like the night before. Turns out there isn't a single restaurant at the resort that opens before 6PM. Not even the buffet which we were counting on since the dinning area is super casual. We ended up having the order from the All-Day menu at the dinning are. Kind of like room service, but not in our room. We sat and watched as the staff arranged the buffet for the 6PM start time. We debated how we could wait 45 minutes and concluded that we just couldn't. The girls' schedule if anything, has saved our waistlines and wallets this vacation. The manager was sweet enough to treat the girls to a scoop of ice cream as we left. Bella proceeded to finish off the cone herself and become a lump of baby-in-heaven on Justin's lap outside. Addie was covered in chocolate.Justin and I decided that the parents won round 2 of dinner/bed time. There weren't any major screaming fits and they fell asleep nice and happy. Banished to our balcony we ordered room service dessert and enjoyed the gorgeous views. Bed time by 9:30PM. Ready for another day ahead of us.

1 comment:

  1. What great photos! Looks like a fantastic vacation...

    You do the same things we do too re: dinner. Get the kids bathed and dressed and ready to eat the mere second the restaurant opens. But what is it with these late openings? My kids eat between 5:30 - 6:00 - and by 7pm (whether they've eaten or not) they're done!
