
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

never ending teething

Bella started the serious teething drool at month 2 and it hasn't stopped. She got her bottom two teeth around month 9. She's teethed a total of 3 weeks for her top two teeth. All at different times. Her gums will swell and we have a week of pain, uncomfortable sleep, crying, and grumpy baby. I think " Good, finally they are going to pop through". Then the swelling goes away and no tooth comes. This has happened three separate weeks over the past few months. Finally, a little sliver of the top tooth came through last week! This week she's been battling a head cold and teething. Last night I went in her bedroom to soothe her after she had been crying for about 40 minutes without going back to sleep. Justin had already tried his Daddy magic to no avail and she just wasn't calming down. Turns out she was in pretty serious pain because her top gums were bleeding! Man I felt like crap after trying to let her cry back to sleep only to learn that she was bleeding and crying for a legit reason. The top left tooth is really coming through now and I could see it this morning. Talk about painful teething. I think late teethers feel more pain. I liked that Addie had at least 5 teeth by the time she was one year. Poor Bella has been teething non-stop since forever! She was totally fascinated with Addie's Play Dough this morning (notice the color mixing, which I abhor but keep my mouth shut about). I let her hold it for awhile and she'd squeal when I'd take it away from her. She held the blob innocently enough for a few minutes then sure enough she'd taste it! What is it about tasting Play Dough?


  1. It's the texture. How could anything that feel like that not taste good? Kinda like cookie dough.

  2. Sara - Hello! And thanks for stopping by! Oh my do I know about the never ending teething... my little guy turns 1 today and he just got a molar. A MOLAR? At a year? Holy teeth batman!

    Nice to meet you - look forward to getting to know you!

  3. My poor Bella. I know about late teethers since Riley was one, but we never dealt with bleeding gums! I hope it gets easier for all of you!
