
Thursday, May 27, 2010

End of the Year AmeriKids Celebration

Just as we sat down to take a breath after the birthday party, it was time to get back up and get ready to go to Adelaide's school celebration. When Arabella woke from her nap we got the girls dressed again and in the car. The students had been practicing an unprecedented amount of time for this presentation. One of the 5 year olds had memorized a speech to give in front of the parents. The U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines, Harry K. Thomas, Jr., was present to hand out the certificates to the kids and watch the show. It is really impressive to see the new ambassador involved in the families here at post. He is definitely a family man. It was a rather long show to sit through. The kids paraded in, there was a slide show, song and dance numbers, as well as the certificates. It was all well choreographed and organized. The teachers did a great job. The kids were amazing. We were so proud of Adelaide because this was the first time she really has actively participated in a presentation in front of parents like this. She was so cute up there singing and dancing. She was a bit shy walking across the stage to receive her certificate from the Ambassador but she did it without help from her teacher. She's come along way this school year. When the show was done she came running up to us with a huge smile on her face. She was very proud of herself and we were beyond proud of our girl. Dinner was catered for the affair so we sat to eat. Scratch that...Justin and I ate a few bites in between corralling our children. Bella loved the falafel and Addie, being pretty beat from the day just nibbled and played with her friends. As we drove home I watched Addie lay her head back on her car seat. Bella was gazing at all the bright city lights of Manila. I definitely got a bit teary eyed thinking of all my eldest daughter has done this year. When we moved to Manila she was younger than Arabella is now. Amazing how things change. The girls both passed out for bed without baths. Justin and I managed to put back another piece of cake before we both passed out from exhaustion as well. It was a busy day.

The lovely teachers for Addie's toddler class and the older Pre-K class


  1. I love that little Addie! It is amazing how grown up she is!

  2. You both should be very proud. Addie is beautiful.
