
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Welcome and Introductions

I thought I would introduce myself to all of you who are checking out my blog whom I don't know already. I added the counter to the blog last Wednesday and am surprised to see that it has received 240 hits in half a week. I know most of my viewers are family and friends who check daily for updates but I have to believe there are some of you whom I haven't met! Or maybe you are an old friend and I don't realize you are reading the blog.

So hello, my name is Sara. I just recently turned 30 (with equal parts relief and dismay). I am married to a spectacular man and have two lovely little girls. We are Americans and we are currently living in Manila, Philippines. I am a hands-on stay-at-home Mom who really can claim motherhood as my full-time job. I have healthy obsessions with good chocolate, cheese, and shoes (not necessarily in that order). I generally don't get enough sleep. I love that I can go to the beach and pool year-round while living in the tropics. I fully admit that I miss The United States but have made a comfortable home overseas. So there's a bit about me (although since you are a follower of my blog you must already know those things about me). I would love to know a little bit about you! Please comment! If you are an old friend please give me a shout-out!

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