
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

these shoes were made for walking

Arabella is a bit impatient to learn how to walk on her own. She is leaping herself from one place to another without focusing on gathering her balance. She is learning to walk completely differently Adelaide did. Addie took her first steps only after she had completely mastered standing and balancing on her own for a very long time. Arabella seems to want to skip that step and just run. Here she is trying out a pair of her great shoe collection thanks to all the hand-me-downs from big sis. She stood herself up from the stool and walked a few steps to Yaya. She loves to practice walking from me to the couch and then from the couch back to me over and over. I just wish she could stand still long enough to get the balance thing down. That's our Bella-never staying still.


  1. Could she be any cuter? Go Bella, Go!

  2. It's too funny that Bella isn't balancing first. I like that she's just going for it!!

  3. I'm pretty sure that's just Bella's way of trying to keep up with Addie... I've noticed that younger siblings will try to skip (no punn intendned) developmental stages when it comes to being side-by-side with their siblings! Except for Stephen. He didn't want to do things the way I did, he wanted to do it himself... *grin*

  4. So true! Her method of learning to walk goes right along with her stubborn hard-headed personality! Plus she is definitely keeping up with Addie.
