
Monday, April 26, 2010

my chimp and my fashionista

Arabella is at her happiest attached to my hip like a little chimpanzee. Before going on our long walk this past Sunday, I dug out the Hip Hammock that was given to me by a friend when Addie was a baby. Adelaide was content with the stroller and being held by her father at Bella's age so we didn't make use of the Hip Hammock. I decided to give it a try. It took many tries of twisting and adjusting the straps and our arms to get this thing comfortable. At one point my arm started to tingle because an artery in my neck was getting pressed too hard. Bella didn't make a peep the entire ride in this contraption. She was happy as a clam. Sadly the device was just not comfortable for me. I even have a bruise on my hip bone from it. I envy those really hip luscious Moms who have that wonderful hip ledge their kids just hang out on. My hips leave little room for kids to hang. Now if we all toted our kids around on our derrieres, Bella would have a nice comfy ride back there. Anyhow, I decided my gift to Arabella for her first birthday is to comfortably ride around attached to me with the ERGObaby carrier. I was tempted to spring for this device with Addie but after the Bijorn she was done with baby carriers. My second daughter is another child entirely and loves me to carry her. It will be especially nice for the traveling we do.I am completely thrilled with Adelaide's wonderfully crazy fashion sense right now. Aunt Meg sent these flippin cute knee socks with the girls birthday gifts and I couldn't keep them away from Addie any longer. She loves socks and especially bright over the top ones. I'll fully admit to being disappointed in not needing patterned tights and knee socks for the girls since living in the tropics. What is the point of having daughters if you can't get them ridiculously cute tights and super long knee socks for skirts and mary janes? As you can see, Addie could have cared less that we live in the tropics or that it's actually summer here now. She sported them out to walk the dog with Yaya. I can only imagine the fawning over she received today from all the locals. Secretly, she eats it up. God help us!


  1. They fit perfect!! I was afraid they would be too big. Addie must have grown a ton since December. I'm glad she loves them. Love you all. Miss you.

  2. Hi Sara--I'll introduce myself too. :) I found your blog by searching for "Manila Marine Ball" on google. We just got to Manila last Wednesday and my husband is in the FS, too. We're originally from Oregon, so this heat and humidity is crazy. Maybe we'll meet someday! We have a blog as


  3. Bella and Hadley are definitely related!! Hadley is happiest in my arms and doesn't like the stroller or carseat at all! I feel your pain. XOXO
