
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Arabella's first birthday party

We had an awesome party for Arabella last night. It was full of noisy kids, good food, balloons, presents, and good friends. Arabella wasn't completely sure that all the fuss of singing and blowing out candles on cakes was for her, but she sure didn't mind the big slab of cake that was put in front of her to eat! I've never seen her sit so quietly and contentedly as she did eating that cake bite after bite. It was adorable. She loved all the people and excitement. When it came time for the presents she dug right in along with her sister and opened them up. She received her own baby doll (Addie named her Tina), along with doll clothes a high chair, books, bath toys, and a few other treasures. Both girls have been playing with everything since. A big thank you to Grammy and Grandpa for the wonderful gifts. The Polar Bear cake was a monumental hit. Justin declared it was the best cake he's ever tasted after the carrot cake I make him which is his all time favorite. I have to say it is the best cake I have ever eaten. Some cakes you accept a mediocre cake because the frosting is so good or vice versa. Not this cake. Every layer; the cake, filling, and frosting was amazing. The combination of the three made for perfection. This cake will be a reoccurring birthday cake for years to come. I was so proud of how gracious Addie was as a big sister during the party. She happily let Bella have the attention and encouraged her little sister to enjoy her birthday. She very sweetly helped Bella open her gifts showing her sister everything with the understanding that they could play together but ultimately it was Bella's toy. How very grown up my eldest daughter is becoming as well. Justin and I were beaming last night as we lay sprawled out on the couch in exhaustion. We have two beautiful daughters where just three years ago we were childless. Amazing how much can change in just a few short years. We both agreed we have two amazing little girls that bring us endless joy and happiness. We are so lucky! Arabella is one! Already! And what a sweet one year old she is!


  1. I am so happy for you; you have an amazing and beautiful family!

    Happy birthday, Bella!
