
Thursday, March 4, 2010

the perfect cookie

Once again, Addie and I wound up baking cookies yesterday. She really likes helping me bake so it's become a fun activity for us to do together. My Mom taught me the basics of baking at a really young age and it gave me confidence in the kitchen. I want to give my girls the same type of memories cooking with their Mom. Plus it's a great skill to learn and perfect. Addie can't wait to stir the flour and the baking powder together and she counted the eggs in the bowl for me. I let her measure out the ingredients with a little help even though she'd prefer to do it "by myself" (her mantra these days). I let her flip through 101 Cookie Recipes and choose which cookie to make. I wasn't surprised when she chose these chocolate crackle tops with M&Ms. What kid wouldn't choose these? They ended up being the best tasting cookie we've made in a long time. The cookie is sweetly dusted in sugar on the outside and light and airy on the inside. I think I'd make them without the M&Ms next time. Not because I didn't like it, but because the candies get in the way of savoring that fluffy, airy, chocolate cookie middle. The M&Ms are Addie's favorite part! Good news is that there will definitely be plenty left for Justin to try this weekend when he returns home.

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