
Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I allow myself a cup of wonderful coffee in the mornings with breakfast while still pumping for Arabella. With Addie I waited until she was completely done with breast milk to indulged in caffeine or alcohol (13 months). I admit, even to myself that was pure craziness and decided to allow myself a little slack this go around with the nursing. A few months ago I added in the cup of coffee and now I have a glass of wine with dinner here and there. I never overdo it especially since I am donating my extra milk to little Manny (and any other needy infants). A cup of coffee in the morning is a wonderful treat and it's even better with this yummy walnut cake. I have been obsessed with finding a good coffee cake and this one fits all the criteria I have. It's not too sweet (no frosting just a dusting of powdered sugar), it's dense but still fluffy, and the walnuts add a great texture. It pairs with coffee nicely. It came from one of my favorite cookbooks given to me by Justin's Aunt Leslie. It also has the wonderful carrot cake recipe Justin loves.

1 comment:

  1. Still waiting for a slice of that carrot cake. If you haven't sent it yet, go ahead and throw some of the coffee cake with it.
