
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

the rest of Boracay

Blogging the end of a vacation is always kind of sad because it takes you back to the location you miss. Getting myself to blog the end of a great vacation takes so long and then I feel sad thinking about the trip being over. Anyhow, the entire trip to the beach was fabulous. Having Megan with us was so much fun and such a big help. Meg and I are a like in lots of ways so she tends to do things similar to the way I would do them. That's why it's so great to cook with Megan, we're like one mind moving in two bodies. It makes things more efficient. We made some great memories in Boracay this year.

We took some great family shots in the water.Later that night we had a perfect sunset dinner at Nigi Nigi Noo Noos. Awesome seafood and an even better view. Justin, Megan, and I took turns holding Bella and entertaining Addie so we could all eat our meals. Justin took the girls to the water to let me finish eating. I stole a photo of them when he wasn't looking. I love my family.The next day we spent time at the beach again. Megan celebrated her 27th birthday but sadly both Justin and Megan came down with a stomach bug that was going around. Luckily (after much prayer) the girls and I didn't get it.

Addie bringing her breakfast to the beach.Look at the belly on our Bella!

1 comment:

  1. hi if its possible to advertise here on your blog, please contact me at drechin AT gmail DOT com pls. TY
