
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

pull-ups off, waterproof pads on

At two and a half the milestones are noticed less but still celebrated. Addie reaches new heights of cleverness, stubbornness, and sweetness on a weekly basis but they aren't things you'd necessarily write down in her baby book. For example, yesterday she ripped the flaps off one of our favorite Christmas books for no apparent reason than she was bored and not getting the attention she wanted. I clearly expressed my disappointment with her ill treatment of the book and told her that she would have to tell Daddy when he got home from work. This news was very upsetting to her because she knew Justin would be mad. She said "No, Daddy will say damn it!". Ah, her first swear word. A milestone I will not be keeping track of (even though I just blogged about it). We have made a mental note to be extremely careful what we talk about and we leave the radio off in the car (talk radio in Manila is like late night "Loveline" with Dr. Drew and Adam Corolla when I was in high school-utterly inappropriate). Adelaide has an uncanny ability to observe and listen to what adults are talking about. I've noticed that most kids her age are oblivious to what the adults are conversing about. Addie is listening even if she is doing something else. Justin and I were relying a few more months of being able to talk around her and give each other knowing winks and nods-HA! Not with this girl. She is all ears and immediately is asking questions.

The milestone I was planning to write about is that Addie is totally and completely potty trained. She had been potty trained for the most part now for two months but she was still wearing pull-ups at night. She complained over the weekend how the pull-ups are uncomfortable so I promised to put a waterproof pad down on her bed so she could wear her panties to sleep. Last night was the first night and went wonderfully. She woke me up at midnight (damn husbands who can sleep through everything) to go pee on the potty and then slept the entire night dry. It's a miracle! She is all about doing it by herself now too. She decides it's time to go and gets up on the potty all on her own, wipes, and everything. The big success here is that she's giving her number two's to the city sewer system without me having to look at it (she still wants to admire her work afterward-but I don't have to look!). We are very proud of her accomplishment. It's truly a New Years gift!

Her other first was picture day at school. The AmeriKids program with the embassy puts together a yearbook for the kids complete with class and individual pictures of all the kids. I am on the committee and nominated myself as the photographer (why the heck not?). Addie turned all clingy sad baby while I was at her school all day and refused to smile. The logic kids have about being disastrous for their mothers by wonderful for strangers is beyond me. Anyway, you can see the adorable dress she and I picked out for the occasion. Too bad her pretty face is all scrunched up in a grimace.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for all of you that Addie is all potty trained!! Such an accomplishment. I guess that will be my next project with Riley!
