
Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Justin and I packed up the girls for a little tourist outing on Monday. The rest of the Philippines bustled about like normal while Justin had the day off. We drove to Intramuros, the walled city the Spanish built in the 1600's during their rule of the Philippines. Intramuros was really the Spaniards outpost of all the East 400 years ago. The wall is still there surrounding the more European influenced architecture and mini city. Unfortunately the historic site has been through some tough times after the war and when the Americans liberated the Filipinos from the Japanese. Intramuros should be a charming little piece of tourist heaven, and while it has some pretty sites and amazing history, the charm is lacking. They could do so much more with the site. Hopefully the restoration will continue. While we were there, we walked by trash fires, exhaust spewing trucks barreling down the narrow streets and locals badgering you for horse and buggy rides. The poor horses looked like they needed a meal. Anyhow, we find it sad to see the potential of a beautiful spot like this wasted on, well, I hate to say it but, the Filipinos. I'm not sure they get it.We walked around for a bit trying to avoid the creepy men who are always talking to our children as we walk by. Justin and I know to ignore them but poor Addie is always bothered by them and says "No thank you" with a scrunched up nose. It doesn't help that she looks adorable at all times since she will not wear anything out of the house but a dress, and this is after I have forbid her to wear a tutu outside. We found a nice little plaza that had some pretty fountains and ivy covered walls. Then we spotted a restaurant and decided to stop in for lunch. It was much too fancy for our crew but luckily we arrived before the lunch rush of business people. The live music really kept the girls attention, Thank God! Great food even though we ate in shifts. I always feel silly sitting at the table eating alone while my awesome husband is trying to manage the kids elsewhere. Justin and made a pact that we would go back again without kids.


  1. Sorry the expereince was a bit of a downer. when Hustin and I went it was a Filippino holiday and no one was around. Though nothing was open, no one bothered us. Maybe you can go back agin. Love you all.

  2. Hi I just came across your awesome blog! I am a Filipino and i definitely know what you mean.
    People shouldn't be living in the Intramuros area. Filipinos are really not the most environmentally conscious people. I hope that changes soon. btw, I actually have a travel blog Please do check it out. thanks!
