
Thursday, January 7, 2010

hitt'n the beach on day one

We had three full luxurious days at the beach in Boracay. Every time I looked out at the crystal clear water that met the clear blue sky on one side and the powdery white sand on the other, I was in awe. Boracay is truly beautiful. It's my second favorite place on earth after Kauai. Justin and I kept daydreaming about how our vacation would have gone if it was just adults (i.e. get up at 8am eat a lazy breakfast, hit the lounge chairs at the cabana for the entire morning reading our books and people watching, then alternate between the water and baking in the sun until the sun went down and we could go eat seafood and stay up late, starting the whole routine over again the next day). HA! Now that we are parents of two vacations are a different story. We tried to maximize our time at the beach with the girls. We alternated who would sit at the hotel room during naps, who would go trek down the beach for take-out lunch (not a chore a treat to be alone on the beach for the walk), and who would sit at the room after the girls were asleep while the other two adults could go read or get a drink at the bar. Vacationing with kids means that Justin and I see less of one another on vacation so we can manage our girls individuals schedules and needs. This means that every time I put my feet in the sand I savored the feeling. When I was in the water with Bella or Addie I soaked up the moment. I absolutely loved being at the beach as a family, with Megan too, in the water or on the sand. Addie just ran on the beach, back and forth, up and down. She loved riding on Justin's back while be crawled in the shallow surf. Bella loved floating in the water with me and sitting on the lounge chairs. Vacationing with kids is not exactly relaxing but wonderful in it's own experience. We get a lot of joy out of watching them and knowing that they are happy.

Addie after playing in the sand for a good two and a half hours straight. She was so pooped every night.On our way to get dinner the first night. I have the hunger in my eyes (Cora says I look at her fiercely when I'm hungry)We found a little Mexican/seafood place (all restaurants serve amazing seafood).We were too hungry to be patient with the relaxed (slow) service and delivery of our food. We waited a good hour and then wolfed the food down in 10 minutes (Justin, Meg, and I eating in shifts). And end scene for day one.

1 comment:

  1. You guys must play Rocks, Paper, Scissors alot to decide who does what. The photos are great.
