
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

crawling, standing, pulling and moving a lot!

The trip to Boracay was Arabella's "coming out". She surprised me in so many ways. She's not a tiny baby any more and I was amazed at how well behaved given there were so many changes in her routine. She loved being outside and loved the beach. She mostly loved seeing and interacting with so many people. She had started real crawling before the holidays but once we returned home she took her movement to a whole new level. She's all over the place now. She's pulling herself up on things and standing with no or little assistance. She even pulls her hands away at times. She's a very joyful little girl and it makes me so happy to see this transition from fussy baby to happy, active, playful child. She's eating lots of different foods now. She still loves breast milk but is also eating yogurt with fruit, squash, some veggies. She likes the sweet things as usual but I am trying to expand her horizons a bit. She's less verbal than Addie was at this age but she definitely gets her point across. She's much more physical so maybe she's focusing on developing that part of her brain right now. Bella has a strong sense of determination in her movement. She stands in her crib now when she wakes up from a nap. All these new developments are just as much fun with baby number two. In fact I think I'm more surprised because I'm not waiting for the milestones to happen. They just are! She's turning into such a pretty baby! Some of her facial expressions are a crack-up!

Bella and Addie love taking a bath together. I can't believe this is happening already! It's so fun.


  1. Good job Bella! Before you know it, she'll be taking those first steps!

  2. I never remember having all those fun toys at bath time. Yippee!!!
