
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Boracay 2010

We rang in the New Year in style this year with a vacation to Boracay. We left New Year's Day and returned home, today, January 5. The trip was amazing and I can't wait to share all the spectacular pictures both Megan and I took at the beach. Justin and I have two beach babies on our hands. The girls were so adorable in the sand and surf. The views were gorgeous and the colors were even more vivid than I remember. I can't get my head around how blue the water is and how white the sand it.

I'm pretty exhausted after the trip. Taking the two girls on vacation, even with Megan's help, is like being the ring leader of a traveling circus. It's never dull! Justin and I had to laugh at a few moments where we both thought our heads were going to explode. Then there were the wonderful moments of the girls in the water or watching Bella discover sand and salt water for the first time and it made the head explosion moments seems less terrible. I love, love, love Boracay but I am so glad to be home right now. Cora is washing the bottles (a chore I performed three times a day in our hotel bathroom) and my soft luxurious bed awaits me with sand-less sheets (no matter how many times you shake out the blankets and dust off your feet, sand finds away into bed at the beach). This annoyance doubles as all night exfoliation (this is my vacation mood finding the laid back chill go with the flow bright side of the situation). A night in my own bed sounds pretty sweet right now. Much more beach blogging to come.
The beach front of our resort the SeaWind Boracay The sunset we watched during dinner on Sunday night-pretty much a perfect sunset, I wouldn't have minded being on one of those sail boats. Shot from my lounge chair-not too shabby of a view.

1 comment:

  1. After shoveling 26" of snow at home and the shop those pictures were like a tonic. Thank you.
