
Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Justin's out of town this week which sucks but I also find it nice to do my own thing in the evenings after the girls go down. Doing-my-own-thing this week is getting gifts wrapped, blogging, reading, trying to fill my endlessly hungry belly with food! No joke I swear breastfeeding is like having a tape worm for a year.

The Christmas boxes for family are coming together finally. Wheely bug has a serious injury now after Addie slammed it down on our marble floors rather harshly. Thanks to my Dad I now know what a castor is and ordered two as replacement parts. One extra in case Addie feels like turning into the Incredible Hulk again any time soon.

I'm personally in love with my new Salvatore Ferragamo bag, it's real buttery soft orange leather and smells heavenly. A little Christmas present to myself and it was a steal from my bag lady at Greenhills! BooYeah! I'm in love with the color orange right now. I know I say it all the time but I wish I could share the joy of shopping designer bags at Greenhills with all my chicas back home. Send me $50 and you will not be disappointed with what I send you back. Just name your designer.

On our Santa Claus outing a few days ago Justin located original peppermint candy canes and we had to buy a box. Candy canes aren't just hanging out at the checkout stands like they are in the States during the holidays. Addie hung them on the tree then proceeded to break half of them while she was "just holding it Mommy". No problem, the broken ones get dropped in my homemade hot chocolate. My husband makes the worlds best homemade hot chocolate with dutch process cocoa and black cocoa, little vanilla,some secret measurements I can never get right. His is magnificent. Blow your mind good with the candy cane in it! We decided we will be drinking a mug of this on Christmas Eve during our annual viewing of "It's a Wonderful Life". Get ready Meg, you are in for a great holiday with us.

My adorable Adelaide was walking home from the park with Yaya yesterday and came upon a nativity scene in front of one of the buildings. The cradle was empty of course since it's before Christmas and as they looked at the little manger scene a lady came up and asked Addie "where is baby Jesus?". Addie looked at her and replied "He's in the park" and she's right there is a baby Jesus in the nativity scene at the park. I love that Christmas is done right here in the Philippines. It's not all about Santa.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to take you up on that $50 for a handbag deal, girl!!! Heck- I might even get some belated xmas gifts for my soon-to-be sis-in-law and my soon-ish-to-be-but-unofficial-still sis-in-law. (Steve wants to wait till he's done with school to get engaged)

    Orange is a FABULOUS color. I have a prize I shall send you, it will suit the passion for orange quite nicely. :-)
