
Monday, December 14, 2009

Never have I ever

been so furious at Adelaide than I was today when I walked out of my room after a short snooze while the girls were taking naps. Or so I thought Addie was sleeping. I walk into my two and a half year old covered in Vaseline from head to toe with poop on her hands. Glancing in her room I saw that she hadn't been sleeping all this time, but emptying the large Vaseline tub on herself, the wooden stacking toys and the wool Pottery Barn Kids rug (I add this detail as crucial evidence into why I was so furious-not a cheap rug and my favorite). On second glance and a short walk around the room I notice that the entire wooden floor and playmats in the room are greasy with the Vaseline as well. There is poop on the carpet. My anger boiled and boiled as I hosed the screaming child down in the shower and proceeded to scrub the oil from her body as well as the poop. Then I noticed the poop on her face where she wiped her hands as well as on my jeans and shirt. This did not make me happier. I yelled and gave her the evil eye and told her that I was mad. I was so furious thinking about the pound of Vaseline rubbed into that carpet and how long it would take to remove it (if it could be removed at all). I was even more mad knowing that Addie knows right from wrong and knew that making this mess fell in the wrong category. All this anger and I just started to cry. This is when Addie knew I was really mad because she apologized. I told her I didn't want to talk to her and she couldn't look at me and to just lay in bed until I told her to come out. Then I went to hold Bella, eat some lunch, give my baby a teething biscuit, and remind myself that at Bella's age I remember thinking that there was no way Addie could ever do anything to make me so mad as I was a few minutes earlier. HA! Little did I know then. I called Justin at work and told him he just may have to come home so I don't throttle our daughter-he talked me down. When I went back into Addie's room she was asleep in bed. Her later explanation of the events were quite simple. "I was trying to rub my cream on my legs and it got on the carpet." Simple as that. The whole stinky scene made cleaning up Bella after her biscuit seem extra cute and adorable. Addie and I had a little heart-to-heart and all is behind us now. The Vaseline in the carpet, on the other hand, is not.


  1. Sara, I know how infuriating that must have been, but I couldn't help laughing. Hang in there, the fun just keeps on coming. Great Story.

  2. Oh, the joys I have to look forward to! If it makes you feel better I put Riley down for a nap the other day and she screamed for about 45 minutes and I finally went in her room only to find she took her pants and diaper off and peed all over her crib! Motherhood...the best job ever!!

  3. Oh mercy! I would have cried as well. Poop just makes the indignity of parenting worse and vaseline just makes it slippery.

  4. Wow, now that is a good (not for you at the time) story...glad you and Addie made up. Merry Christmas to you all. Love, Heather P. -:). Btw, what is your address?
