
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas arrived early for me

Justin gave me a flip Mino HD for Christmas! It's the one and only thing I wanted this year for Christmas. I've been pining over this camcorder since before Bella was born. He knew I wanted to use it for Christmas so he had it waiting for me wrapped on my nightstand the other night! It's awesome and I love it. My husband is more than awesome and I love him way more than an electronic device. The feelings I have for this video camera are pretty sincere though. It's super user friendly and the picture is amazing HD quality, the best is the tiny sleek design (it's just a tad bigger and heavier than my cell phone) . I love that we can capture our girls on video so much easier now. I tried it out on Bella and captured one of her first crawls. She's crawling more and more every day. I have to explain the red rash on her chest (I know Grandma will ask). Since she's been sick I've been using a humidifier in her room and she got a little heat rash on her chest and under her chin from rubbing and the moisture. Not counting the drool that she is covered in all the time. Her chubby double chin doesn't make matters any better. I finally solved the problem with putting Desitin on the rash. After a night it's almost gone. Boo Yeah! I was really proud of that epiphany with the diaper rash cream. Totally worked.

1 comment:

  1. Bella sure is getting herself around! I can't believe how fast she's growing!!
