
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Ambassador's Cup

Our living room has been a dance studio for the past few weeks in preparation for the Ambassador's Cup, a competition of skits between the sections at the embassy Christmas party. Justin's section is thought to be rather stiff and uptight by the rest of the embassy(a perception that is sorely wrong) so they were extremely pleased last year when Justin and a few of his co-workers changed the lyrics of traditional Christmas songs, making them funny and Philippines friendly. They got high praise last year for their effort and participation. This year Justin and his co-workers kicked it up a notch and were hoping their performance would get some laughs as well as some pats on their backs for their effort. The Embassy Manila Mission Christmas Party was held this afternoon on the back lawn of the Chancery building where the big competition was held. I captured the performance on video. Its' a terrible picture and my hand kept drooping slowly so I cut off plenty of heads. The Filipinos loved the performance and you would have thought they were famous the way they were screaming. In the end it was the white guys dancing that got the crowd going. You'll have to watch it yourself to see just how worthy it was of the Ambassador's Cup! Yup! That's right, they won. The photo sessions afterward went on for a good 30 minutes. All those single Filipina ladies love these white guys.


  1. LOVE IT!!! Too bad they were not wearing skin tight black body suits and high heels like the video! Miss you guys!

  2. I love when the announcer yells, "OMG" after they finish.

    Too fun. I think a guest performance on Glee is next!

  3. I can't stop laughing!! I didn't know my brother was into Beyonce. Now he needs to teach Addie the dance!!
