
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holiday moods

I'll freely admit that we had our Christmas tree up and decorated the weekend BEFORE Thanksgiving. It's not such a travesty here in the Philippines where Christmas is celebrated during all the 'ber months (September, October, November, and December). To be honest I was getting excited for Christmas long before getting the tree up because holiday shopping here starts very early to get packages sent to the States in time. It is the second year we are using a (gasp!) artificial (despicably fake) tree. The thing looks so lovely and perfect that I can't really complain. The best part of the whole thing is the no-drama assembly. Justin and I have some funny stories of our real trees in our past. One stressful year we drove all the way to BFE rural Ashburn, VA to find the perfect tree that we discovered upon arrival at home that the trunk was at a 45 degree angle to the rest of the tree. Two trips to Home Depot later for bigger and more elaborate tree stands we might have had the tree up but crooked. The last few years in the States we got smart and picked out nice trees pre-cut at Home Depot that eliminated 90% of the stress. Long story short, real trees include a decent amount of huffing and puffing and secret eye rolling between my husband and I. I am pleased to say that this year there was none of that (over the tree at least...maybe about the ornaments our two year old broke but that's another story). I'm ALMOST ashamed to admit that Cora assembled the tree for us on Thursday so that we could have a nice tree decorating afternoon on Saturday as a family. We turned the Christmas music on and let Addie put all the kiddie ornaments on.On a funny-how-have-I-gotten-old-note, I caught my husband chuckling to himself as we were decorating the tree. I, or course, inquired about the private joke he was enjoying. His response was that when he was younger he never in a million years would have thought that a red and green quilted Christmas tree skirt with teddy bears on it would be in his living room. In fact, he said, he never gave the idea of a Christmas tree skirt a single thought. It's just funny how things change and now with two daughters so much of his life will be the equivalent of quilted Teddies on skirts. He's a great Dad for girls. My daughters are so very lucky!On crazy-my-husband-is-going-through-football-withdrawal note, I have jut been kicked off the computer because the Raven's game is on.

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