
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Our Thanksgiving was extremely special this year. I pondered being sad about not spending the day with our extended family, but then I decided not to be because the most important people in my life are right here with me today. I am very thankful for a wonderful and adoring husband. I am also thankful to be Mom to my two precious girls. Justin and I sat and watched as Bella attempted her first real crawling on all fours today. She is so close! Addie sang and danced and entertained our guest at dinner. She loves to be the center of attention. When the turkey came out on the platter Addie exclaimed that she wanted to eat it and it didn't matter if she had to wait for the rest of the meal, she'd just wait in her chair at the table. Wait she did and then she eat she did as well.

Today was a nice day to cook and enjoy the three other people I love best in this world. Plus the grin on my husband's face as he tasted my turkey and all the fixins was worth all the hard work and prep. He loved dinner and was even more excited that he would be enjoying my Thanksgiving meals for the rest of his life. Great day! I hope everyone else enjoys their Thanksgiving Day as well.


  1. Look at you, with your tree up!!! I had every intention of getting my tree put up last night, but that didn't happen... Such a happy little family- *mwah*

  2. What a great post!!!
    Happy Gobble, Gobble.
