
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Arabella at 6 months

Bella hit the six month mark right before Halloween. She weighed in at 19.6 pounds. She is growing like crazy. Right now she's sitting up all by herself and working on crawling. She's teething pretty fiercely right now. The drooling started at month 2 but she's just now experiencing some pain at night. It takes a lot to convince her to suck on the bottle. Tylenol has been helping but the poor thing is still uncomfortable. Hopefully they will pop through soon. Addie's first teeth came at 7 months. Arabella is pretty satisfied with the breast milk she is getting. Pumping every three hours and twice at night is AWESOME! (not really-especially since I can't eat dairy, curry, or any spice. Great for my figure though and I love being able to eat mounds of food). She's still taking two feedings at night so in a 24 hour period she's drinking about 30 ounces of milk-jeez no wonder she's growing. I rarely do the math! That's a ton. Anyway, everyone keeps asking if we've given her solids yet. I usually answer that she's getting plenty to eat (now that I've done the math-I KNOW she's getting plenty). Now that Bella is sitting up on her own she's ready to try some cereal and so she had her first taste yesterday. We stick with the whole grain baby cereal since serious constipation was a problem with Addie in the beginning. She spit most of it out with the tongue pushing reflex but she definitely liked the taste. Her favorite part was grabbing the spoon and chewing on it (teething!). I think we'll try cereal off and on this week and then maybe add in some veggies when she's ready. We will not have access to jarred baby food here in Manila so we will be making all our own at the house.


  1. I can't believe she's 6 months old already! Where has the time gone? She's definitely one healthy baby girl!
