
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Punch drunk

The girls and I have been getting by day by day without Daddy. It's going really slow for me! Saturday yaya stayed with us and we all went to the market for lunch and Addie got to play at the playground. Later that evening our friends came over for dinner since their Daddy is out of town as well. I made lasagna, Jenny and I talked, and the kiddos ran around and played. At the end of the evening all three of them were over-the-top punchy. They were tired and hyper and serious laughter ensued after they discovered a silly use for these collapsible boxes. Kids the the kick out of the simplest things. Here they are with arms up and then funny faces!

Today Bella woke up with a runny/stuffy nose. The day didn't go so well for her. Her longest nap was an hour because I let her fall asleep in my arms while Addie napped. I couldn't resist falling asleep with her. I gave her a dose of Tylenol and rubbed her chest with baby Vick's hoping she'll get some good rest tonight. I praised Addie all day for her good behavior. I was busy much of the day trying to get Bella down for naps and Addie happily played with her toys or read books and patiently waited for me to be available. She wore her big girl panties all afternoon with no accidents. She's doing such a great job with her potty training. Her sticker chart is almost full.

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