
Monday, October 5, 2009


As if the girls knew I needed a good day, they were both angels all day long. Justin left early this morning for his week on the East coast. I have been dreading him going because my days are generally exhausting when he is here and hellish when he is not. Amazingly both Addie and Bella were sweethearts for me. We had a great day playing and snuggling. Bella is really starting to get the whole "sleep during the night" thing since we've been letting her cry to sleep. Tonight she didn't really even cry, it was more of a cooing/singing fussy cry until she went to sleep 10 minutes later. I was the one crying tonight: tears of joy. I'm not going to saying anything more on that topic with the fear I might jinx it for us. I'm off to bed early (its 8:45pm) tonight. When my hubby isn't here there is no one to laugh with so I might as well just sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I might be a little biased, but those are two of the best looking kids I've ever seen. Love and miss you all- JW.
