
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dinner with friends

I've been meaning to get the girls in for professional photos. It's been since Bella was two weeks old. She's clearly a different kid now. I hesitate to go for a number of reasons. 1. It's expensive. 2. Addie most often sits in front of the camera looking anything but smiley and happy. 3. Bella would probably cry. 4. It's stressful. 5. Why when I've got an amazing camera at home. I open up the windows in my room and let them snuggle in my bed. I need a really sunny day to make the light perfect but it worked out OK this afternoon while it was cloudy. I really prefer the natural light over the flash.Our lovely neighbors invited us for dinner since Justin is gone. I sat and ate my meal as if I wasn't the mother of an infant (slowly). By 5:45 PM Bella was screaming to be put to bed so I ran home and got her asleep then came back to get Addie. It was so nice. Addie loves playing with their two boys. In fact she has a little crush on the four year old, Isaac. A week or so ago during a nasty thunder storm in the middle of the night, Justin went to check on Addie in bed. She turned over and sleepily asked "Isaac?". Justin was like "No, it's Daddy!". She's dreaming of boys already!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!! That's what Trey and I did for Christmas pics last year...took them ourselves and used photoshop to make the color perfect. It's way too expensive for professional photos!
