
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Quick weekend

All our weekends fly by generally, but this one seemed extra fast. It started with a busy Friday. Addie had school (here we are getting her snack ready-check out those sneakers!). Saturday and Sunday didn't go any slower. We stayed pretty busy with a trip to the pool on Saturday. Addie was so confident in the pool she didn't want us to hold on to her. She has no fear. We need to get this girl swimming lessons quick. I didn't have my camera but I wish I could have captured a picture of Bella asleep on the beach towel. She was flat on her back, arms and legs splayed out, sun hat over her eyes. We were so amazed because to get this child to take naps is like trying to solve graduate level quantum physics problems. Outside at the pool she dozed off on her own. Our babies love the outdoors (what baby doesn't really). It's sad because we don't get to take her outside much to calm her down. I miss Arlington Village for that reason. Anyhow, we stayed in our PJs late into the morning both days. We usually do this so it's nothing new but so nice to relax, eat pancakes, talk to family on Skype, watch Cinderella, etc. all in our jammies. Justin let me sleep an extra two hours on Saturday morning and it was the first time I woke up rested in at least a month. I had so much energy that day.
The Bumbo seat arrived in the mail and Bella gave it a whirl. She loved it and hated it.
Today Justin and I took turns getting out of the house. I had brunch with some friends at the Sofitel and Justin is out with the guys for a movie tonight. I got a few 911 texts from Justin while out saying that Bella was screaming and he couldn't calm her. In the end my ingenious husband pulled an old trick and wrapped Bella in my PJs, apparently she immediately calmed down.


  1. Addie looks adorable in her kicks!! And Riley was the same way with her bumbo seat. It was a love-hate relationship at first! Bella will learn to love it!

  2. However, the facial expression is priceless! Love, Donna
