
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Wednesday

Pretty happy with myself today. Got Addie off to school with a healthy snack (score 1). Got myself a healthy breakfast while Bella napped (score 1). Was showered before 10AM (score 1). Both girls napped at the same time after lunch (score 1). Made oatmeal flax cranberry chocolate cookies (score 1). Screaming, overtired baby between 2 and 6 PM (score -3). Applied my new discovery of soothing the baby with the exhaust fan above the stove and Bella fell right asleep (score 2-and ordered a white noise machine for her bedroom). Both girls in bed and asleep by 7:45PM (score 1). Final score for Mom: 5. Not bad really.

Lucy with a crazy face! (mid yawn). Addie singing.
How come my bed isn't made? Just kidding beds getting made is a low priority these days!
Pretty Bella
Singing girl
Cookie Monster

My princesses

1 comment:

  1. Your scoreing system is much to low. You deserve at least 5 for getting showered before 10am.
