
Friday, July 31, 2009

if one's a singer then the other's a dancer

Addie loves dancing and singing. She walks around the house singing Twinkle twinkle little star or Mary had a little lamb. She's a serious dancer though. A lot of our evenings consist of Addie asking her Dad to put in the iPod so we can have a dance party. Even Yaya joins in on those nights. She likes pop and R&B (Kanye, Black Eyed Peas, Beyonce). We try playing Jack Johnson, Wilco, or Adele and she says she doesn't like it. It's essentially not fast enough for her to dance to.

Here she is at her own afternoon dance party dancing to Single Ladies. Yes, she is wearing her Minnie Mouse costume (two sizes too small for her) and she has pipe cleaners in her hair like Pippi Longstocking. She cracks me up.


  1. I could not stop laughing!! Where did she get her sense of rhythm from? So cute. She'll be able to teach Auntie Megan some moves this winter.

  2. I like how Addie has a stage made of cushions!! Riley and Addie would have a blast together because Riley is a huge dancer too!
