
Thursday, July 30, 2009

back to playgroup

This afternoon was our first playgroup since returning to Manila. My friend Jina talked me into carpooling with her. Bella stayed home with Yaya so Addie and I had some time to play together. Jina's daughter, Lily, and Addie play really well together. The girls snuck pastries and shared them in the park. Both girls were fascinated by a group of older boys who were playing "Superhero" nearby. The ring leader of the group kept instructing the other boys to make up superhero names (Black Eagle and Transformer Man were a few examples he gave the other boys) The girls watched in awe as they play fought and flew from their superhero lair to go save people. I love the creativity of kids. The girls held hands while walking back into our apartment building. Lucky for us Jina and Lily live upstairs.

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