
Monday, June 15, 2009

trying to get home

We are "hoping" to leave on Thursday to go back home to Manila and Justin. I say hoping because we are still waiting on Arabella's passport with her travel visa. I'm so frustrated with the inefficiency that has been displayed in getting my daughter the correct documentation to get home. "It should take two days for processing" has turned into 10 days. I hate to say this but I shouldn't be surprised that it would take longer than expected at the Philippine Embassy. Inefficiency is the way of life in Manila. Anyway the visa taking longer than expected is just the tip of the iceberg. I am tired and stressed from being the squeaky wheel on the phone with people on the East coast. Stress and breastfeeding don't work well for me and it usually ends in lots of tears. Pretty soon I'm going to start smelling like a big pile of syrupy pancakes from all the fenugreek and blessed thistle I'll be popping. The bottom line is that my husband keeps me sane and helps keep things in perspective for me. He's my calm. Right now he's far away.
I'm allowed to whine once in awhile right?
On the bright side Bella is cooing and interacting with me all the time. She smiles and talks to me and it melts my heart. She's such a precious baby.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain sister! I have tons of Fenugreek stored up...if you were here, I would gladly share! Keep Strong and know that you will be with your husband soon! Sorry about all the delay in getting home.
    That Bella sure is darling!

    Lots of love,
