
Monday, June 15, 2009

the trials and tribulations of nursing

I start this post off by first saying that I am a huge breastfeeding advocate. I firmly believe that breast is best. I am also really proud that I was able to provide Addie a full year of breast milk before she switched to cow's milk. I am very committed to breastfeeding my children. The truth is that breastfeeding takes a serious commitment. The trials and tribulations begin when I start to stress over breastfeeding: are we nursing too frequently or not frequent enough, how come she refuses the right side, will the milk dry up? The list of worries goes on and on. Funny thing is that this being my second baby I've nursed, this time around has been a piece of cake, but I still worry about keeping my supply up. When you add no sleep, barely getting a decent meal, and stress in the picture it all adds up to a nursing nightmare. You read that keeping your milk supply begins with getting "enough restful sleep". Fat chance with my baby girls. I constantly ask myself how my chubby little baby can be that hungry all night!

I was forced to pump with Addie because I went back to work full-time. With Bella, I am lucky that I get to stay home but I've still decided to introduce the bottle and pump after an undetermined amount of months so I can have a little bit of freedom and my husband can help with the feedings at night (with a baby who wakes to eat every 2-3 hours this is crucial). I'm struggling with when I should start pumping full-time. I love nursing Bella. It's such a wonderful connection but I wonder if the stress is worth it. Happy Mom= happy baby right?

Long story short (too late), Arabella took the breast milk from a bottle this morning. She just started sucking away. She didn't even care that I was right there. In fact she stared right at me as she chugged 3 oz of milk. At least I know the transition (whenever it will be) won't be hard on her.


  1. I firmly believe that breast is best as well.

  2. Sara,
    Hang in there ... you can do it! We're praying for a speedy trip home to your husband! Love, Donna

  3. Again Sara, I feel your pain! Pumping, feedings, supply up & down....I am having awful flashbacks to being hooked up to a machine 8 times a day! EEK!!!!
