
Thursday, June 25, 2009


It's utterly crucial to have good friends when living overseas. One of mine is Sunny, Mom to Stella and their new little baby boy Tiger. The girls are the same age and now our babies are the same age. We have lots in common and lots that isn't and it just works. She's a cool laid back Mom and I guess I kind of am too. When Addie and I left for the States the girls were just starting to play nicely with one another without us having to facilitate much. Since being back we couldn't wait to get together. The girls now play really well (with the occasional fight over a tiny baby or special tutu). It's so nice to have someone to talk to. We use up plenty units of time when we get together which helps our days go by faster. Both Sunny and I count down the hours until our husbands get home in the evening. I'm just so glad I have someone who understands me and what I am going through.

Today the girls had a tutu dance party and sat on the potty together. If that isn't friendship I'm not sure what is.

1 comment:

  1. We're thinking of you all as adjust to life as a family of four! Love the photos and the stories. Miss you all, Donna
