
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Aussie Rules Football

While the girls and I were gone, Justin joined an Aussie Rules Football team that plays weekly at the Manila Polo Club grounds. This weekend we joined him to see what it was all about. Plenty of big burly Aussies and Kiwis ran around in short shorts and sleeveless jerseys shouting things in their cool accents. The game is a mix between American style soccer and football. Watching the girls and trying to keep Addie from going on the field after her Daddy proved to be so much of a challenge that I barely got to watch the game. I did catch Justin kicking a goal! Next thing I knew Justin was writhing on the ground scream profanities and then being carried off to the sidelines limping. Now my accident prone husband has a bum knee. Add that to the list of injuries he's received while playing adult just-for-recreation-sports. I'm trying to convince him to blog about his snorkeling incident. That was another doosie.


  1. Tell Justin I sympathize 110%! I ended up having to have that nasty knee surgery because I stepped in a hole while playing ultimate frisbee... add that to my bum shoulder that dislocates for no good reason and my hyperextending joints, the hole in my lip from a pick-up game of basketball, and everything else...!!!

    Play hard or go home. I'm with you, Justin!!!

  2. I want to hear about the snorkling incident - sounds juicy! Love, Donna
