
Friday, May 29, 2009

Two Years Old

Happy 2nd Birthday Adelaide. My beautiful, smart, independent, funny, and wonderful daughter. You are the source of so much of my happiness and I am so blessed to have you in my life. The past year has been amazing. You've grown from a sweet baby to a little girl. Watching you grow and change; and start to have opinions and thoughts on your own is so fun. I love that you are starting to develop your humorous side. The silly things that make you laugh always make me smile. You are very curious; always trying to figure out the way things work. You have a great memory too. You grow more and more beautiful every day. Your blue eyes are so big and full of joy. Every night when I tuck you in to bed I stare in those eyes and think about how lucky I am to be your Mommy. I hope you know that I love and adore you. I do everything with you in mind. I promise to do everything I possibly can to help you be the most amazing woman you can be in life. I promise to be a good role model for you. I promise to always listen to what you have to say and give you encouragement. I promise to always be your biggest fan. I promise to be the best Mommy I can be for you. This is my gift to you. Wow, check it out, it's been a year!

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday beautiful niece! I cannot believe you are two years old already! I miss you and i will call you all tomorrow
