
Saturday, May 30, 2009


Here is Bella

Here is Addie between 4 and 6 weeks.

They aren't look a likes but definitely sisters.

Missing Daddy

We are desperately missing Justin/Daddy. Both Addie and I cried when he left May 11th and we've been kind of sad ever since. Justin has it worse; being alone in Manila and leaving his biggest fan (Addie), his wife, and his beautiful new baby girl, behind in the States. Unfortunately the process to get Bella the correct documentation to get to Manila is posing to be a bigger mess than we originally had thought. It's going to take some time to get us back together as a family and it makes us all very, very sad. Thank goodness for Skype.
We miss you Daddy and love you so much. Wish we were with you!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Grandpa play time

Thursday evening Addie and her Grandpa disappeared upstairs to play for a good hour and a half before bedtime. When I went up to start bedtime I came upon this scene. The two were playing so nicely. Addie loves playing with her Grandparents and has special games and toys that are specific to each person. With Grandpa she plays with the Pop Ons and the veterinary kit. Pillows and blankets are always involved so they can pretend sleep with books too. Too cute.

sleeping beauty

First smiles are so much fun. It's such a wonderful feeling to see the recognition and love in her face when she looks at me. Pure bliss.

Two Years Old

Happy 2nd Birthday Adelaide. My beautiful, smart, independent, funny, and wonderful daughter. You are the source of so much of my happiness and I am so blessed to have you in my life. The past year has been amazing. You've grown from a sweet baby to a little girl. Watching you grow and change; and start to have opinions and thoughts on your own is so fun. I love that you are starting to develop your humorous side. The silly things that make you laugh always make me smile. You are very curious; always trying to figure out the way things work. You have a great memory too. You grow more and more beautiful every day. Your blue eyes are so big and full of joy. Every night when I tuck you in to bed I stare in those eyes and think about how lucky I am to be your Mommy. I hope you know that I love and adore you. I do everything with you in mind. I promise to do everything I possibly can to help you be the most amazing woman you can be in life. I promise to be a good role model for you. I promise to always listen to what you have to say and give you encouragement. I promise to always be your biggest fan. I promise to be the best Mommy I can be for you. This is my gift to you. Wow, check it out, it's been a year!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ester Short Park

Today we took advantage of the 85 degree weather and had a picnic at Ester Short Park in downtown Vancouver, WA. We picked up my new favorite chicken salad at The Rosemary Cafe and then headed to the park. Addie squealed when she saw the play structure. Bella thoroughly enjoyed her Grandpa's shoulder. The coolest part of the park was the manmade creek for the kids to play in. I didn't realize a swimming suit was the best outfit for the park but Addie got wet anyway. It was a great way to cool off in the hot sun.

completed project

The mural is done. Arabella protested plenty while we put her foot prints on the mural. It's a beautiful work of art.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

Hope you had as nice of weather as we did for this holiday. The highlight was definitely my Dad's BBQ chicken and my gorgeous girls. Addie was a bathing beauty for her first experience with a sprinkler.

enjoying the sunshine

It's a beautiful Memorial Day in Washington. Arabella was just snoozing in the sunshine this morning. I also tried to photograph a few of the flowers blooming in the yard now.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

painting the pump house

Megan and Emily have taken charge-artistically-of the bare side of the pump house in my parent's yard. As a Mother's Day gift for Mom, they designed and are in the middle of painting a beautiful mural. Addie and Bella have a part in this mural as well. Addie's hands are featured in the mural as the middle of the black eyed susans. She was totally excited to participate in the painting today since she's watched or "painted" with water for the past few days while Megan and Emily worked away. She was very proud of her hands on the flowers. Bella is going to have her foot prints featured on the leaves. We just need to find a good time to paint her little toes. I'll post pictures of the final product, until then, it's a work in progress.

Friday, May 22, 2009

More Arabella

She's just too precious! She's on the verge of smiling, just another week or so.