
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

not sleeping

I haven't been sleeping well lately for obvious reasons (to top it off I caught a cold last week). Tonight I'm not sleeping for different reasons. I'm just too anxious, oh and those silly little contractions make it tough too. It's the anxious excited feeling you get the night before your wedding or a big exciting vacation. Maybe the same as the night before the first day of school every year in grade school. Or if you're really weird, like me, it's like the night before swimming lessons started in the 4th grade. Anyhow, I'm just tossing and turning thinking about how it would be really great if I can get a good night's sleep the day before I give birth for the second time. Oh well, I hope the adrenalin kicks in later.

I'm ready for the labor and delivery part to start and then end so I can hold my little Bella in my arms. I already have an incredibly intense feeling of not wanting to let her out of my arms or sight. She's going to be beautiful and perfect and I just can't wait. Tonight as I was saying goodnight to Addie, I told her for the one hundredth time that tomorrow baby Bella is coming. She immediately told me we were going to greet her with "hugs", and "kisses", and we will "rock her". I can't wait for the sisters to meet. As a mom I'm excited about introducing my two little girls to one another. Sisters have such a special friendship and bond throughout life and it will be great to be present for the start of this great relationship in my daughters.

Justin was worried he wouldn't sleep either. Right now he's definitely sound asleep dreaming about the zombies in World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks, which he's reading. I know this because zombie dreams and my husband go hand in hand. I am going to go slip in bed beside him and try to get some shut eye before the alarm goes off and we are off to the hospital.

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