
Friday, April 10, 2009

nature lesson

Deep (not that deep) down I'm a science geek. It started with being surrounded by nature as a young child (plus Mrs. Lehrman my HS chemistry teacher was awesome), continued with my B.S. in Biochemistry from PLU, and ended (so far) with my time at Booz Allen Hamilton as a consultant for chemical defense issues. Boring eh? Well, I guess for some. Now I get to inspire my own daughter to be fascinated with how things work and why things are the way they are in nature. Today we had a little nature lesson. We went hunting for bugs and observed worms in the dirt. Addie was equal parts fascinated and equal parts disgusted by the worms and clung to my side saying "blech" and "close" (close as in she wanted to stay close to me and not touch the worms). We moved on to learning about moss, flowers and other plants. When Aunt Megan arrives (the true biologist) she will surely give Adelaide a more in depth lesson on such things.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to show Addie the outdoors. You did a pretty good job though. Can't wait to see you all.
