
Monday, April 13, 2009

double load

Justin will be mad when he sees this picture so I'm ready for his wrath. I'll preface it by saying that I don't pick-up Addie unless necessary now and was feeling extra sprightly for some reason. This lasted all of 10 seconds; just enough time for Grandma to snap a picture.

Arabella is growing a ton right now but I'm still measuring the same as I did at 36 weeks. The doctor said I've reached my maximum stretching size. Since my belly will not stretch further, Bella just gets to fill out the space inside. Boy is she! Justin arrives in just 9 days and then we may be in the running for an induction the week of April 27-May 1. Very exciting!

1 comment:

  1. You still look great! I love the picture of you and Addie! I miss you guys terribly and can't wait for Bella's arrival!
