
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Busy days

All our days seem to be super busy, whether we are running and errand or visiting friends. I’m exhausted after every day. Today was no exception. We had a play-date with Addie’s second cousins. Emme and Addie are the same age so we were excited to get the girls together again. The last time they had seen one another was at 7 months of age. Addie was thrilled to be playing at a friend’s house; she made herself at home like she usually does. She loved their cat and we heard about it the entire visit. I caught a few pictures of the girls together although they were all on the move. We had such a nice visit that Addie and I are already excited for the next one.
After all that excitement Addie decided it was a no-nap day. It doesn’t happen often but some days she just can’t fall asleep for whatever reason. It was the first time I’ve caught her playing in her bed and she really had a look of guilt on her face. I couldn’t help but chuckle. It was doomed to be an exhausting day after that (no nap for Addie means no nap for me). Grammie and Addie colored Easter eggs in the afternoon which was so fun and brought back tons of childhood memories of my sisters and I using the wax crayon to write our names on our eggs. Addie proudly decorated the colored eggs with stickers.

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