
Friday, April 24, 2009

3 days

Only three days until Bella arrives! We had a doctors appointment today and I'm 3 cm dilated now. The doctor scheduled my induction for Tuesday, April 28th. Unless she decides to arrive early (good chance now that we've made plans for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday), Arabella Jun will be arriving sometime on April 28th. We are so excited. I can't wait to hold this little girl in my arms and fall in love with her at first sight. Addie is loving all the uninterrupted Daddy time. She came with us to the doctor's appointment and was pretty interested in the baby's heartbeat and the nurse's call button. She got weighed on the scale and sat with me on the exam table. Then it was off to Kid's Club for some serious indoor playground time with Daddy. This afternoon they spent two hours outside. Addie showed Justin all the bug hiding placed in the yard. There wasn't a stone unturned. She finished off the day with butterscotch pudding. It doesn't get much better for a two year old than that.

It was an unexpected beautiful day here. 60 degrees and sunny. The trees are blooming in my parent's yard.


  1. Yeah! I can't wait to see beautiful Bella!
    And I'm so glad that you girls have Justin. Addie looks like she's having a blast with her daddy!
    Love you all! Good Luck!

  2. Congratulations - we are praying for a quick and peaceful arrival of little Bella. Love to all, Aunt Donna
