
Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Quilt for Bella

My Aunt Mary is a Master Quilter. Her creations are works of art. Everyone in the family has received one of her masterpieces. Arabella received hers today in the mail. She's a lucky little girl because I have especially fallen in love with this quilt. The cats are adorable and I love the color combination. The best part is that it's so soft and cuddly. Addie and Bella received a special little stuffed cat to go with the quilt. I can just picture all the playtime Arabella will get on this lovely quilt. Her big sister is already enjoying it.

How do you really thank someone who spends so much time on something so beautiful for your child? I'm not really sure but I am so thankful! You are the best Aunt Mary!


  1. It's so cute!!! I love the kitties. Nice work Aunt Marry.

  2. Sara - you are the Master Blogger! We love your blog. Thanks for the quilt comments......I really enjoyed making this one because I loved the cats, too. Love to you and Justin and Addie and Bella. Aunt Mary and Uncle Ross
