
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Portland Children's Museum

Sunday we enjoyed the Portland Children's Museum. Addie was hooked from the first moments when she got three stamps on her hands upon entry. The museum was so much fun and after a few hours of play and discovery she was exhausted. Each area of the museum was well designed and fun. Addie got dressed up in a costume and face paint for a mock theater, went shopping and a children's size grocery store, played with water and magnets, and climbed in all of the Bob the Builder equipment. On another note Addie uttered her first three-word sentence this morning. I asked her if her stuffed puppy was coming with us to the museum or if he was staying here (home). She said, plain as day, "puppy stays here". I was so proud. My baby is becoming a little girl.

1 comment:

  1. That's so exciting Addie said a little sentence! She's getting so big! Looks like she had a blast at the museum.
