
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Packing-sort of

For weeks now I've been stashing stuff I plan on packing for Washington on the counter in my bedroom. This is the stack I have so far. I'm a little concerned I won't be able to get it all in the suit cases for our flight home! This stack is just Addie and Bella's stuff. I haven't even thought of myself. Then I have to throw in favorite toys, books, movies, camera, DVD players, and diapers; it's a bit of a mess. I still have 8 days to get packed so hopefully I can get it done without forgetting too much. Not sure why I'm worried since there is a Target down the street from my parent's house! I am getting anxious/excited for our trip. Addie came in and helped me pack this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Sara, No matter how thourough I always try to be in packing, I always forget something, and you're packing for 3. Thank God for Target. Keep us posted.
    Always, Terry
