
Friday, March 6, 2009

Good day Friday

Today was a great Friday. Addie had playgroup with her friends this morning while I worked on checking things off my list of "things that need to be done before I leave". Later while Addie was napping I had a visit from an angel in the form of a prenatal masseuse who does house visits. Pure heaven! After the session I was back pain free! I felt so good that Addie and I went to the pool before dinner. Justin came home from work early so we all got to eat homemade pizza together and now the American Idol wild card show is on. I get to watch the latest episode of Lost we downloaded with my hubby tonight snuggled on the couch. I'm not sure how this Friday could get any better. Here some pics of my girl today.


  1. A definite fairy princess in the making! She is adorable. Love and miss you guys. Aunt Donna

  2. I love Fridays like that.
