
Monday, March 2, 2009

freak show

I've hit the point in pregnancy where I start looking like a freak show. People stare at me and gawk at the size of my belly. I'm at 32 weeks now and every week I feel a difference in Arabella's growth. She's hanging out so low that the nerves in my legs are getting pinched and I'm suddenly hit with a strange numbness/pain in my legs as I walk or move (all similar from last time). I think it was at this point in the pregnancy with Adelaide that people started shying away from me on Metro and making comments like "I hope you don't give birth to that baby before your stop". People are generally shocked when I tell them that I still have roughly two months to go. Can you say "freak show"? This when phrases like "the vessel of life" and "the beauty of pregnancy" really get on my nerves!
I already know that this baby is a strong and healthy little girl. She is extremely active in the evening after dinner all the way until midnight or so. Justin and I just watch my belly come alive with waves of movement so intense that it feels like she might just bust through. Justin is always alarmed when he rests his hands on my belly and Bella gives a big kick or flips around. HA! Trying feeling that from the inside.


  1. This post made me chuckle. I hope flying is not too hectic. I'm sure some will be concerned though about you giving birth on the plane. Love you.

  2. It seems to me, and I could be wrong, that you carried Addie lower than you are carrying Bella. I will say that you certainly do not look comfortable. Hang in there! Can't wait to see pictures of baby Bella!

  3. I'm thinking they should put you in First Class for the extra room.
    Never hurts to ask.

  4. At least people aren't asking you if your having twins or triplet, I got that from about 6 months on! You don't look like a freak show, you're beautiful!

  5. After reading the Twilight books, the name Bella brings me right back to the Vampire baby and how strong she is... No chance your Bella is half vampire though... but it makes me smile. *grin* (see- SMILING!!!)

    And I still think you look beautiful.

    See you soon?!?

  6. WHOA BABY!!! Reminds me of a little girl named Addie when she was in your belly! :)
    Good luck getting everything together and enjoy your last few weeks of being a mommy of 1!
