
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cake for a 30 year old

Justin turns 30 on the 16th and we decided to celebrate with cake a day early (mostly so Addie and I can have one more day to eat an extra piece). I made Justin's favorite, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. It's so good! Addie is a frosting girl and just picks off the frosting leaving the cake on her plate. I can't blame her since the frosting is awesome. We had a great weekend with tons of family time together. Addie had lots of time with her Dad at the park and the pool. I know I am slightly biased but my hubby looks pretty darn hot at 30. I might even go as far as saying he is more handsome today than the day I first met him 8 years ago. I am a lucky woman. Not just because he's gorgeous but because there is happiness in his eyes and I know more than anything in the world he loves his girls. I must have done something right to be apart of the last 8 of Justin's first 30 years. Here's to the next 30 together.

1 comment:

  1. My big brother is going to be 30! My how the years have flown by! That's a great shot of Justin and Addie! Oh, and I think men get more attractive as they get older.
