
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a few of her favorite things

Addie has been experiencing big developmental changes the last few weeks. New words are spewing out her mouth every day, she initiates imaginative play with her toys and dolls, and she knows her letters and their sounds. When she sees words on books, signs, t-shirts, really anywhere she points out the letters. Nap time has become a challenge. She used to almost beg me to lay her down at nap time but now she cries and stalls trying to get out of her nap. It's like she's got so much going on in her head she can't possibly rest. It's really amazing to watch and experience. Her personality and likes and dislikes are really starting to blossom. Some of her new favorite words are: sun, bug, bus, star, spicy, sassy, hot, sticker, snake, hand, play, fly, friend, bed, kiss, phone, chocolate, and I'm sure I could go on. Some of her favorite things are puppies, butterflies, stickers, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, dolls, shoes, and cats. She's even catching on to the Disney princesses (both alarming and adorable at the same time). She likes Princess Aurora and the Little Mermaid. She's always really liked her baby dolls and now since Christmas she has a few more. She plays with them and puts them all to sleep, kissing each one. She sings to them and feeds them. It's pretty sweet.

Duplo tower built all by herself.


  1. This is completely adorable! I think my favorite new word might be "sassy!" She is too cute.

  2. I love how she kisses her baby dolls! Too sweet!
