
Monday, February 16, 2009


A huge perk of living overseas with a full time housekeeper/yaya is that Justin and I have had more opportunities to go out alone than we normally would. Every so often we will leave Addie with Cora for a few hours and go to dinner or a movie alone. They are heavenly hours of holding hands and smooching and just being the two of us alone like old times. I don't feel guilty for needing this time alone with my husband. It's completely necessary for us to be good parents.

Yesterday, since Justin had President's Day off, we celebrated by going to the movie Valkyrie (strange rooting for the Nazis). All in all it was an entertaining movie. Justin and I were excited to have a full three hours to ourselves. When we returned home Addie was asleep on the couch with Cora. I transferred her into bed with me where she slept for the next 30 minutes in my arms. As nice as it is to have time to ourselves, it is just as nice to come home to our sweet daughter.

I like to have pictures for my posts and this post really deserves a picture of just Justin and I. I can't recall the last time we had a photo of just the two of us so that's my next mission. When I get one, I'll add it.

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